Monthly Archives: July 2011

More lessons From my (now) 84-year-old Uncle

A while ago I wrote about some lessons that I’d learned from my 83-year-old Uncle (check it out here). When last we visited, he was deciding between purchasing an iPad or a Kindle, or some other e-reader. My last blog post included a mea culpa that my iPod is from the last decade (and early […]

Some iOS ideas (that’s Apple’s Operating System for PC users)

Everywhere I go, I see iPads, iPhones and iTouches. While I admire each of these devices, I must do a mea culpa here and admit that I have yet to purchase one. No, I’m not an Apple hater. I think that their devices are slick and elegant. I have an (albeit Generation 2) iPod. I […]

Can I open my Google Docs from Microsoft Office – you betcha!!

UPDATE 9/13/13: Google Cloud is no more. Google Docs have taken over. A myriad of methods to transfer docs back and forth between systems has arisen. To find the one which suits you, please use the search engine of your choice (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and enter something like “transfer from google docs to msn skydrive” […]